
Reflexology is based on the science that there are energy points on the hands and feet that correspond to each gland and organ. By using thumb and finger pressure on the various points, the nerve endings are stimulated, circulation in that particular area is improved, energy is released and balance is restored in the body.

The result of this stimulation causes:

  1. The circulatory system to rise.
  2. Activation of the immune system so it is more capable of taking care of uninvited bacteria and viruses present in the body.
  3. A deeper state of relaxation that brings about a shift in the brain from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting healing.

What conditions can Reflexology help?
While Reflexology does not and should not take the place of medical advice, it can comfortably work alongside medical care, especially with problems that affect the whole body such as stress. Stress is thought to be responsible for many illnesses and health issues. It can affect many systems of the body and may cause damage if prolonged or chronic.  Therefore, by relieving stress other health issues may be prevented in the long run. Reflexology is all about restoring balance in the body – even a light treatment can help to bring back such sense of balance.

Will I benefit from Reflexology?

Every person is unique and it is not possible to know in advance how exactly you will benefit from a Reflexology treatment. However, after one or two treatments, people often start to feel deeply relaxed, they may sleep better or may notice a feeling of improved mood and general well-being. You may find that other things improve too. But this happens on a very individual basis and the best way to know if Reflexology works for you is to try it.

What are the benefits of Reflexology?

They can differ from person to person, but in general Reflexology encourages the body to heal current disorders, it relieves the effect of stress and tension and promotes general relaxation, it can help to improve the immune system, relieve pain, encourage better circulation and is often described as quite useful for digestive issues. An effective treatment helps to eliminate waste products from the body, improves nerve stimulation and can help to increase energy levels. It can also improve mood.

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